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![]() This is a pinned message boxMore information should be put here, telling the viewer why this was pinned.
The neutrality of this article is disputed
The neutrality of this article is disputed.More information should be put here giving the reason why it is disputed, such as saying that one of the references is very one-sided.
This article is outdated.More information should be put here giving the reason why it is outdated, such as the reference may be wrong, or that new events have made this article incorrect.
Small article
Size matters here, this is a small article, and needs to be bigger!If you have any more information on this subject, please contact us so that you may send us more information on this subject, and make it bigger, or if you are a member of Hyperlink then update it as soon as you can!
Article needs a reference
This article needs a reference.This article has no reference, if the information comes from yourself, write that it was made by yourself!
Broken reference/link
This article has a broken reference/link.One or more of the references, or links now goes to a 404 page and no known archive or mirror is known. If you have or know of an archive of the references, please send it out way, or if you are a member of Hyperlink then update it as soon as you can!
A lot of issues
This article has a lot of issues.Such as spelling, grammar, bad code, or anything else. This should be fixed as soon as possible!
Text from Wikipedia
The majority of this article uses text form Wikipedia or a similar wikia.Most, or a lot of the text on this page is taken from Wikipedia or a similar wikia, try and make most of the article original.
Citation needed
Citation needed.Please fact check this article to make sure everything is correct.
Article has spoilers
This article has spoiler!Read it at your own risk!
Work in progress
This article is a work in progressThis article is still being worked on, and may not look anything like the final product.
Bad Article
Bad articleThis article is not very good. It should be worked on to fix its over-all quality, if it is not fixed, or it is unfixable, it could be sent to /hell/.
References This page was last updated: 2019-03-05 @ 03:48 In total this page has had 5 updates since it was uploaded.