The JakeOnline Weekly Newsletter

Also see The Hot Garbage Newsletter, and OwlMail

The JakeOnline Weekly Newsletter (also known simply as "TJOWNL"), was known as "The JakeOnline Monthly Weekly Newsletter") was an online newsletter written and published by JakeOnline in late September 2017. The newsletter covered a wide array of issues, including current events on Neocities, fan mail, and website of the week.

Issue #1 from 22nd of September 2017

In this first issue of the newsletter (that can be found via the OwlMan archive), Jake mostly covers private messages between a number of people. At the end of the newsletter Jake uses a quote from OwlMan;

"So do you want your eggs to just role around on the palate?"
-OwlMan (2017)

In this quote, OwlMan (a Brit) is talking about his surprise that eggcups are uncommon in America.

Issue #2 from 30th of September 2017

In the second issue (available via the OwlMan archive), Jake talks about Hyperlink (a webring he was apart of at the time but would leave sometime later), fan mail he got from Tomato Hentai, and he made the website for the week (the site at the time was owned by Hosma)


I. The original URL, now down [Internet Archive]

II. The second URL, also down [Internet Archive]

III. OwlMan archive of the newsletter [Internet Archive]

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