Landing Page History

This is a pinned message box

Some of the files linked may have bad HTML/CSS, however, do not update them as they have been archived, this page may be updated, however.


The landing page has had a few changes over the time that Penny's Pages has been online. Here are of the versions of the landing page that were used.

First index used

The first index that was used was only online for a matter of days after it was updated. The GIF used wasn't the best quality, and that was the main reason why it was removed.

You can view the old landing page here

Halloween 2018 index

This is the 2018 Halloween index, it was made by OwlMan, and Pizza Squeeze.

You can view the landing page here


This page was last updated: 13/10/2018 @ 00:46

In total this page has had 0 updates since it was uploaded.