GuestbookThis article is in /hell/!This article has been moved to /hell/ as it needs more content about the subject, and how it's linked to Neocities. 13/10/2018 A guestbook is a place on the web where people can write about what they think abut your website or add any comments that they want you to see. Some of the better guestbook services are thows that are hosted on a third-party website such as smart guestbook. If you want to have the guestbook n a page on your website, you can use a service such as Html Comment Box - but keep in mind that your guestbook may get a lot of spam, so you may need to set up a robots.txt to stop some spam bots from viewing it. here is an example of what a basic guestbook may look like.
Date: 19/12/2017 @ 02:31 Name: IceVirus Email: Web: Comment: Hey, ur site rocks :) |